L, T, T - Short-term joint staff training events
L, T, T - Short-term joint staff training events
CARDET was in charge of the overall planning and execution of this educational activity. All stakeholders were specifically represented by trainees undertaking national pilot programmes. CARDET was in charge of coordinating and supplying the necessary hardware and software applications.
Academics from the relevant nations attended this training. All partners have access to academics and researchers at universities, as well as teaching obligations.
The Training focused on:
Theoretical part:
- Introduction to the training session (learning objectives and outcomes);
- The field of e-learning, state-of-the-art, e-learning developments;
- E-learning teaching and learning: best practices in HE;
- Methods and approaches (The ADDIE Model).
Theoretical – practical part:
- Discussion on how to improve online teaching and learning at HE;
- Discussion on how online practices can be integrated in HE courses;
- Exploration of best practices of ‘going online’ on HE teaching and learning;
- Establishment of the interdisciplinary group.
- Interdisciplinary Group work for the design and development of e-learning in a HE course.
- Evaluation of the training session.
In-depth information can be found here - LTTA AGENDA
Each collaborator was represented by two to five staff members during the implementation of the learning activity. Individual training modules were created, prepared, and implemented collaboratively, with each partner organisation in charge of the content areas in which it specialises. P1 and P2 coordinated the overall event evaluation, which was completed by all collaborators.
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